Recurrent bronchitis in bronchiectasis

If you have cystic fibrosis or bronchiectasis, you are more likely to get chest infections. Infections affecting the lung are a spectrum from a simple upper respiratory tract ‘cold’ to a life-threatening pneumonia. Luckily, most are mild and many are preventable. The lungs are highly evolved to quickly wrap up and expel foreign viruses, bacteria […]
Exercising with bronchiectasis

Exercise brings enormous benefit to those that practice it. Whether you live with a lung condition or not, regular exercise improves fitness, mental wellbeing and sleep. It can also be an excellent way to control appetite along with a healthy diet. Our lungs have huge reserve at rest and can cope with more stress than […]
How to effectively clear mucus from your lungs

Airway clearance is really important in cystic fibrosis and other forms of bronchiectasis. By dedicating time to regularly removing mucus or sputum from your chest, you give yourself every chance to be the best version of yourself. Let’s look closer at the why and how. Think of the lungs as an inverted oak tree. The […]